It’s all about making a change.

At The Word on Record, the focus is centered on working with purpose-driven businesses and thought leaders to effectively communicate their messages. My aim is to demonstrate that change, profit, and business can coexist, leaving a positive impact.

In 2020, while everyone was locked away in their homes learning how to bake bread and binge watching all their favorite shows, I began writing again after a five-year hiatus.

Here’s the thing. Writing has always been my outlet. And it’s always been a part of my dream.

When I was three, I would scribble away in notebooks. Literally. I couldn’t write. I would scribble circles between the lines since that is what I saw adults did. Later on in life, writing would be my little sanctuary and escape.

So, how does this all come back to 2020?

Well, in 2020 I had the courage to start writing again, and I wrote a personal story in my blog that showed me the profound impact our stories can have on people, particularly through social media and content.

In my first job out of college from Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, I got to work alongside a French startup in telling their story to Spanish media. From there, I continuously worked with French startups on content and their communication.

We’re on the record

Then, in 2021, I decided to move to Italy.

Initially conceived as a one-year adventure, Italy has been the scene of a lot of growing and the pursuit of my dream: writing for change.

I decided to put together my favorite things from my past work experiences, and the things I knew I thrived at into a business.

Now, I work alongside purpose-driven businesses to build their content and connect. And we do it from the foundation of: storytelling.

We market human to human.

Curious to know more?

Start your journey toward authentic, impactful communication today.